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How To Develop Augmented Reality IOS Apps Using ARkit | Techved

How To Develop Augmented Reality IOS Apps Using ARkit | Techved

Augmented reality or AR can be simply described as the addition of some audio, visual, or other sensory stimuli to the real-world environment, as in using  some filters during a video call through Facebook messenger or Snap chat. 

However, some still see AR as a relatively new technology, but people are already becoming aware that it has become something of a superpower that is changing how we work and live. 

AR development platforms are used as a tool to create apps that allow users to view content superimposed on the physical world around us. Using augmented reality, developers can create, position, orient, and track virtual objects and their relationship with the real-world.

AR products produce composite vision by using software and hardware devices, including headsets and smart phones with cameras, sensors, and digital projectors. The user can receive contextually relevant information by having real-time data overlaid on the scene. Users can use VR/AR headsets, interact with the world and control 3D models that are projected into actual environments, providing an immersive AR experience.

Combining the AR with Internet of Things (IOT) technology can absolutely enhance the capabilities of the user and provide them with enhanced controls, thereby improving their experience and the quality of the interaction they have with the device. This AR application  can range from the very simple appliances to the complex ones, which encouraged the industry pioneers to massively invest in them.

We can see now the Augmented Reality Development Platforms include:

Apple ARKit, Google ARCore, Vuforia Engine, Spark AR Studio, Hololink, EasyAR and more.

Among all augmented reality platforms, ARKit holds the smallest rippling waves in terms of performance and popularity. With Apple’s closed ecosystem, standardized hardware, and excellent performance of ARKit for augmented reality apps, it’s ideal for creating better standard products. Developers use iOS programming with initial investments and gain access to a variety of profitable markets, unlocking potential for more advanced AR products.

ARKit Features for Providing Immersive Experience on iOS

As always, the IOS/Android comparison, both APPLE ARKit and other Android AR platforms such as Google ARcore,  offer almost similar functionalities. Maybe those working on Android apps are more likely to face issues with performance and compatibility. In contrast, iOS developers have much more insight into the performance of their app, allowing for a better development process as ARKit’s powerful suite of features can provide advanced image recognition, allowing your app to recognize certain objects, faces, and landmarks. 

ARKit’s robust physics engine gives you the ability to add realistic physics to your scenes. You can even place digital objects on physical surfaces to check how they look in the real world. And all of this is possible through the additional ARKit features and APIs that Apple has made available to developers. 

The new ARKit 6 introduces 4K video, so users can have amazing high-resolution videos of AR experiences.

Photo and video capabilities are enhanced with support for HDR video and high-resolution background image capture. It also simultaneously uses face and world tracking on the front and the back camera of the device to open up new possibilities, such as interacting with AR content in the mirror mode using only your face!  

The new ARKit provides more immersive AR experiences because of the content that accurately moves in front of and behind real-world objects. Also, enabling green-screen-like effects and all the ARKit-built apps starting from iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPad Pro now have better depth estimates without requiring any code modifications.

How to Create Augmented Reality with ARKit

Augmented reality on iOS devices is created through a three-step main process that are, Scene understanding, Tracking and Rendering. 

AR applications are using inputs from the built-in sensors in the device as, cameras, gyroscopes and accelerometers. These inputs are paired with processing algorithms that determine the camera’s motion and orientation in the real world. Once this process is completed, 3D models can be rendered and overlaid onto the real world image.

ARKit can use surface detection to distinguish between a flat, horizontal surface such as a desk, or tables, and a scene containing a relatively steep surface, a statue, or another object not supported for placement on flat terrain, yielding a blended environment of information and imagery for display.

Future of ARKit Development

With the release of Apple’s ARKit, there is now a huge possibility to more develop innovative and creative augmented reality apps for the iPhone and iPad.

Due to the impressive features like indoor mapping, facial recognition, room scanning and more, it is no surprise many developers have taken an interest in the APPLE ARKit framework. This interest will likely only continue to rise with Apple focused on AR as it has become one of the main areas of focus since the last couple of years.

Although the development of augmented reality apps using ARKit technology is critical, developers require a clear vision at the outset of the project to most effectively use the capabilities of ARKit. This is crucial if businesses are to create innovative and stimulating experiences for their customers. Only experienced app developers can get this done.

From a business perspective, this is one of the biggest steps in the mobile application industry. Our developers can create an augmented reality app using features of ARKit that can be utilized in your applications. 

Using an augmented reality app for iPhone or iPad will help businesses to engage customers in a digitally interactive and immersive environment.

With MobiDev, you can create ARKit apps that are easy to use and fun to play. Your app needs to be more than just a good-looking app on the iPhone. It needs to be fun and engaging, and it needs to be easy for people to use. To get there, MbiDev has developed our own set of tools that make it possible for you to create apps that run on ARKit with speed and ease.

Do you wish to incorporate augmented reality in your business ?  

TECHVED can fulfill all your AR requirements. with many exciting features.

Our augmented reality developers have extensive expertise in developing unique solutions for augmented reality, including apps for complex business processes, education, entertainment and games, While our data scientists and engineers can add additional functionality and features to your applications, as well as improve their performance and user experience. Contact us for a free consultation on all your augmented reality needs & visit our page Metaverse Development and consulting Services.

This content was originally published here.