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Pakko De La Torre // Creative Director

Learning with Augmented Reality-Yash Bodane - BW Disrupt

Learning with Augmented Reality-Yash Bodane – BW Disrupt

Exploring the digital space inside screens which also obstructs your real world view? It’s time to pivot to a technological change which superimposes all those digital media and experiences in your real world view, real-time and intelligently accurate.

Augmented Reality is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time. To make it simpler “Augmented reality blurs the line between what’s real and what’s computer-generated.” – Urban Dictionary (Actually, that’s how it should be)

As the technology deals with our physical world and how we see it, it becomes as useful as a human eye, which understands things, shapes, colors and people according to its brain’s intelligence. AR is merging the intelligence of data and digital content at the right time.

Due to its diverse potential, the applications of the technology in a mobile-first world are massive. It ranges from Healthcare, Engineering, Real Estate, Retail, Consumer and most effectively in the Education and Learning world.

But why? Haven’t the YouTube’s, MOOCs and Smart Classes of the world already nailing it in that field? All of the above have indeed given us the massive open-pool of content which we read, see and listen. But how much of we actually do it in real lives? Or how much would you have understood the concept of an ever pumping heart if you would have seen it in real, pumping liters of blood each second and understood the importance of a healthy human life?

The delivery of this augmented information is generally triggered by either geo-data (GPS positioning information) i.e. the user’s actual location, or by some form of visual trigger. Visual triggers can be QR codes, a pre-specified image or even the object itself.

The Learning and Knowledge sector should be the major driving force behind the progression of Augmented Reality, rather than sales and marketing. Being able to access or overlay information based on the things around us in the real world should be a game-changer in terms of the delivery of training. Types of Augmented Reality are:

Geo-Location – Uses the on-board GPS and compass to determine a user’s current location and augment the camera screen – intelligently. It gives the user an intelligent data about his/her surroundings by augmenting it with location markers, navigation, etc.

Marker Based – Probably the most common AR type in the market currently. It uses a camera and a visual marker to determine the center, orientation and range of its spherical coordinate system. By focusing the camera of whichever digital device you are using to deploy the augmented reality app on the specified markers, the app is able to retrieve the information stored to display the three-dimensional virtual object accurately.

Markerless –
Currently the best technology for tracking. It augments real world environments without the need of specially placed markers. Completely non-invasive, lighter and with a larger capacity for images, the markerless augmented reality system is now much preferred method of image recognition as compared to the marker-based counterpart.

Augmented Reality brings immersive learning experience which provides a simulation environment for the learner to create 3D experiences and superimpose real media in the surrounding.

Why Augmented Reality aids as the effective learning tool:

• Interactive Lessons:

Creating storyboards while learning can help in better understanding of the topic. Each and every storyboard can be included with 3D models, Videos, URL’s, Teacher’s Notes which provides the learner and teacher to present and make every topic a liveable moment!

• Learning Materials On the Go!

Many times lab restrictions in school might stop the student to experiment something new, which in most cases is dangerous too! Augmented Reality simulates the real life experience and lets you experiment using tools which could be chemicals and lab equipment in this scenario, The good part is, you will not burn your hands if the experiment goes wrong. It may give you an alert if you go wrong and suggest you the right tools to perform with.

• Higher Retention:

Imagine being on any industrial site, looking through your device and see the equipment in front of you tagged with its name, contents, inspection dates, maintenance schedule etc.

Another tap on the phone and you’re watching a step-by- step video of the maintenance a process which you’re about to undertake, if you’re under-qualified, it may give warnings not to proceed, look at your current qualifications passport and direct you to the correct learning path.

Next Education’s Initiative

There are multiple ways in which AR can be incorporated into the learning process. While augmented books with virtual graphics superimposed on the pages are a great visual treat, experiencing AR even on regular books is also a possibility. Initially, AR might just be a complementary app to existing apps. But, the app can also be downloaded and used by those who do not use a specific kind of books as the technology would still be able to decode and read images, and hence, render an enhanced experience.

This content was originally published here.