Malaysia’s First “14” NFT Personalised Stamps for Malaysia Day Collaboration with APOM! (A Piece of Malaysia) Designers – myfdc
It was quite a day jumping between the physical world and metaverse. It all started in the morning trying my luck to pick up the #empatbelas Setem Ku folder set in the Kuala Lumpur General Post Office Pos Shop. Apparently the folder sets will only be sold at noon and there is an event in the APOM! (yup by now we will never look at APOM the same way again as it is A Piece of Malaysia!) store in KLCC.
Jumping to the metaverse, the store is along the KLCC Food Court level (yeah they put a HiSo name now for the Food Court… ask your Thai friends what is HiSo… 😉
The fastest way would be by LRT and off I went with my trusty philatelic back pack and just in time to see the CEO Charles Brewer autographing the mock-up but not in time to take the ceremony.
10 designers were in the launch and it was an honour to meet the talented designers behind the stamps! Happy Malaysia Day from the designers and APOM VIPs!
After my purchases it was time to make covers!
The designs are fabulous! I could hardly contain my excitement. In fact I was bombarded with messages on when will it come out online?
2. APOM has a great collection of awesome stuff for this series:
Back to the physical world:
2. These are also on sale at least in APOM! KLCC store (my receipt proves it)!
3. All other Philatelic Bureau Branches should be selling on Monday, 12 September 2022.
It will be fun for your state!
Here is my creation using the Pos Malaysia set of 3 envelopes:
Using my old large envelope:
I ended up buying the stickers too (RM 40 per set of 14 stickers)! Here is the full set of stickers on my autographed folder:
Hold on…. What about the NFT stamp??? Right! Good things come in the end for the patient reader.
The stamp can be redeemed by opening a MetaMask account. It was a stuggle for me to jump into the metaverse trying to understand the jargons. Gosh, a collector even offered his best definition of NFT stamp …. stamp on the screen! Hahahaha! Okie except you get the ownership of the screenshot! Wink Wink! Smelling a tulipmania!
Another asked me about what is the use? Well I guess, goreng and the fun of it if you have the cash! To get all 14 NFT stamps, you need 14 codes and that means 14 folders! Hint Hint! There goes my lunch money for the next quarter!
How many are there .. these NFTs? Apparently there are 200 NFTs per design!
Make sure when you buy the folder, check that the code has not been tampered and open the MetaMask account first.
Here is the quick video guide:
If you are a reader and not a video watcher here is the text version:
Good luck! I will update once I actually receive the NFT Stamps!
Meanwhile… I have NO Spares of the folders with the NFT unredeemed. I have redeemed all my NFTs but if you are not into NFTs and just want the folders, I have a few spares.
What is your favourite design?????
Tell me what do you think about NFT stamp? It is quite a diverse conversation out there… it will be interesting to hear your views! 200 only…. x 14 designs.
This content was originally published here.