BUNDLAR Wins Air Force Sims Innovation Match Game at I/ITSEC 2022 – BUNDLAR Augmented Reality Made Easy
This year, BUNDLAR won an Air Force Simulators Innovation Match Game at the 2022 Interservice/Industry Training Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) in Orlando, Florida.
The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Agile Combat Support, Simulators Division (AFLCMC/WNS) coordinated the I/ITSEC 2022 Sims Innovation Match Game. This gameshow-style event paired vendors vying to provide innovative solutions to real-world Air Force needs. During each challenge, competitors showcased their prototype solutions to major commands and their training units.
For BUNDLAR’s challenge, the Air Combat Command (ACC) Personnel Recovery Division (A3J) requested a solution that would enable Air Force personnel to train and remain proficient during the setup and operation of The Micro Weather System (MSW) and the TRN-41 System in remote environments.
Our solution, The BUNDLAR Platform, is a no-code Augmented Reality (AR) editing and publication platform that allows DoD personnel to improve warfighter safety and readiness quickly and at scale. Our platform can modernize training materials and allow them to be delivered in a cost effective way, at the scale and speed required by the DoD.
The Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) is the world’s largest modeling, simulation and training event. Held near the beginning of December in Orlando, Florida, USA, I/ITSEC consists of peer-reviewed paper presentations, tutorials, special events, professional workshops, a commercial exhibit hall, a serious games competition, and STEM events for teachers and secondary students.
I/ITSEC is organized and sponsored by the National Training & Simulation Association (NTSA), which promotes international and interdisciplinary cooperation within the fields of modeling and simulation (M&S), training, education, analysis, and related disciplines at this annual meeting.
This content was originally published here.