Crazy! A.I. Wrote This Article and Also That Weird Text I Sent Last Night
Think A.I. can’t write like a human? Think again. Not only can it write like a human, but it can also write like me. In fact, the app Inspira is using artificial intelligence right now to write this article in my exact style, just like it did when it wrote and sent that weird text to my coworker last night. Here’s how it works!
First, Inspira analyzes previous samples of your work, gathering a sense of your unique vocabulary, phrasing, and voice. Then you enter a subject and other parameters to help it form a structure. Or…in the case of last night, the A.I. simply takes over your phone and, without any input, launches an unhinged correspondence at 2:43 a.m. that in no way relates to you, the three Ambien you took, or really misreading an invite to trivia night that was apparently sent to the whole department.
You don’t have to be a techy (or even a writer) to use this tool. In minutes, you can send off polished copy that looks professionally written. Of course, all technology has its glitches, which must be what happened when it texted Greg in accounting that I’ve got a trivia night at my place, before asking which lady has two thumbs and a multi-jet tub with his name on it.
Artificial intelligence works by pulling from a vast network of sources, allowing it to learn human-like composition. We may never know what deranged reference material it pulled from to craft that text, but what’s important is that we all know it was not me. That’s just a thing A.I. is capable of, and did, last night specifically.
The potential applications for this technology are endless. It can draft apology letters, write emails to H.R., or even update your resume. Will A.I. ever replace the need for human proofreading? Clearly not, or it would have deleted those messages after reviewing them with fresh, horrified eyes.
The post Crazy! A.I. Wrote This Article and Also That Weird Text I Sent Last Night appeared first on The Hard Times.
This content was originally published here.