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New Study Reveals 30 Percent of U.S. Adults Have Used Augmented Reality

New Study Reveals 30 Percent of U.S. Adults Have Used Augmented Reality

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Thrive Analytics and ARtillery Intelligence today released a new report: AR Usage & Consumer Attitudes, Wave V. ARtillery Intelligence authored survey questions and a narrative report while Thrive Analytics administered the survey through its established survey engine and ongoing Virtual Reality Monitor™ research.

Highlights include the fact that 30 percent of consumers have used mobile augmented reality (AR). More importantly, they’re using it often: 54 percent of mobile AR users engage at least weekly and 75 percent at least monthly. This is a telling indication of mobile AR’s potential, given that active use is a key mobile app success factor and tied closely to revenue metrics.

The top mobile AR app category today is gaming, followed by social. These are driven by popular AR apps and features, such as Pokémon Go and Snapchat AR lenses. Both categories will continue to lead mobile AR according to ARtillery Intelligence, but others will emerge, such as everyday utilities like visualizing products in one’s space during an e-commerce flow.

“Gaming and social are typically where new consumer technologies germinate,” said Mike Boland, Chief Analyst of ARtillery Intelligence. “But history tells us that lasting value develops around utilities that solve everyday problems. This is amplified in the post-Covid era as sustained eCommerce inflections are supported by AR’s ability to add dimension to shopping.”

Virtual Reality Monitor applies Thrive Analytics’ acumen and time-tested practices in survey research. The AR survey in this wave (Wave V) included a sample of more than 102,000 U.S. adults. Thrive Analytics and ARtillery will continue to analyze AR & VR market opportunities through the lens of consumer sentiments, including key trends uncovered after several waves.

“AR and VR remain in early-adoption phases,” said Thrive Analytics Managing Partner Jason Peaslee. “But though there are typical challenges and adoption barriers, these technologies will gradually transform the way people work, connect, and learn. We’re committed to quantifying that evolutionary path over the next several years.”

Report Availability

AR Usage & Consumer Attitudes, Wave V is available from ARtillery Intelligence and Thrive Analytics. Access to the source database and additional strategic analysis can be obtained from Thrive Analytics.

About ARtillery Intelligence

ARtillery Intelligence chronicles the evolution of spatial computing, otherwise known as AR and VR. Through writings and multimedia, it provides deep and analytical views into the industry’s biggest players, opportunities and strategies. Products include the AR Insider publication and the ARtillery PRO research subscription. Research includes monthly narrative reports, market-sizing forecasts, consumer survey data, and multimedia, all housed in a robust intelligence vault. To learn more, see

About Thrive Analytics

Thrive Analytics is a leading digital marketing research and customer engagement consulting firm. With clients spanning leading national brands as well as publishers and agencies serving the small business community, it pairs proprietary market research services and data analytical tools with time-tested business insights and methodologies to help organizations measurably improve customer experience, loyalty, and sales results. Its mission is to provide superior research and support services that inspire clients to make smarter decisions. Learn more or contact Thrive Analytics at

About The Virtual Reality Monitor™

The Virtual Reality Monitor™ is Thrive Analytics’ proprietary survey of virtual reality/augmented reality technology users. These surveys, conducted semiannually, track the adoption rates, usage, satisfaction levels, profiles, and many other areas related to VR/AR users. Each wave has a customizable section for client-specific inquiries. Results & key insights are communicated in advisory reports & presentations, charts & infographics, newsletters & articles, and custom data views. Information from these studies is used by marketers, product managers, consultants, and other people working in the technology space.

This content was originally published here.