Beware: A New NFT Company Is Selling Metal Bands’ Songs Without Their Permission

The NFT craze is both hilarious and harrowing because of how little people understand it and how under-monitored it is. On the one hand, selling a unique piece of digital art for huge amounts of money because you can pinpoint its spawning ground sounds like some of the most laughable sci-fi bullshit imaginable — until someone is selling your art on the Internet without your permission for considerable amounts of money. That’s exactly the case with Hitpiece, a new music NFT site that’s offering customers a chance to “own a song” by selling artist’s songs as NFTs without asking for their permission or explaining their options to the songwriters.
We first learned about Hitpiece via Nina Osegueda, vocalist of DC heavy metallers A Sound of Thunder, who found her band’s songs listed on Hitpiece as NFTs. She also pointed out that songs by Indianapolis doom metallers Lavaborne were being sold as well:

This is especially fucked up because it’s not like Hitpiece are targeting big bands who can afford a lawyer to slap their ill-begotten goods out of their hands. They’re targeting indie metal bands.
It turns out that metal bands aren’t the only victims — Brooklyn Vegan reports that countless musicians and labels are coming at Hitpiece, demanding to know what the fuck they’re thinking. How has the company responded? By taking down the site and displaying this gutless message:

Meanwhile, the company have also posted the following message to their social media, which makes them sound like chin-stroking, business-savvy modernists and not, you know, fucking crooks:
“Clearly we have struck a nerve and are very eager to create the ideal experience for music fans. To be clear, artists get paid when digital goods are sold on HitPiece. Like all beta products, we are continuing to listen to all user feedback and are committed to evolving the product to fit the needs of the artists, label, and fans alike.”
— HitPiece – Music NFTs (@joinhitpiece) February 2, 2022
More on this story as it unfolds, but in short, beware these cretins. Because while they’re profiting from bands without their permission, here’s what they’re posting to social media:
Great time last night at The #HitPiece suite for the @MiamiHEAT game with some friends @joryreal pic.twitter.com/IaRY6RZ0mq
— HitPiece – Music NFTs (@joinhitpiece) January 27, 2022
We wish hemorrhoids upon these dickbags.
Thanks for the heads up, Nina.
The post Beware: A New NFT Company Is Selling Metal Bands’ Songs Without Their Permission appeared first on MetalSucks.
This content was originally published here.